Infrastructure & Transport | Strategy, consulting

Metro Trains: 4 Year Communications Strategy

In 2018, the Victorian Government initiated a $2.3 billion overhaul of Melbourne’s transport infrastructure with the introduction of 65 High Capacity Metro Trains.

The new trains, designed to carry 1,100 passengers each, promised to significantly enhance the city’s public transport network. Upstride was contracted as a communications consultant to develop a comprehensive four-year strategy and campaign to promote the project and engage the public.

What We Did

Five-Year Strategy Development: Created a detailed five-year communications strategy outlining goals, key messages, target audiences, and tactical plans to promote the project over its duration.

Campaign Creation: Designed and executed a multi-faceted campaign, including digital, video, and media components to build awareness and support for the new trains. This involved producing engaging content and innovative public events.

Public Engagement: Launched the ‘Melbourne, meet your new train’ campaign, featuring a large-scale public event with a 60-metre model train, virtual reality experiences, and interactive activities to showcase the benefits of the new trains.

Upstride’s role as a communications consultant was pivotal in shaping and delivering a five-year strategy for the High Capacity Metro Trains Project. Our comprehensive approach ensured effective public engagement and support for Melbourne’s largest public transport upgrade, demonstrating our expertise in creating impactful long-term communication campaigns.

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