PR & Media | Advocacy, NFP

Disability Representative Organisations

From 2023 to 2024, Upstride Agency collaborated with a coalition of Australia’s leading disability advocacy and representative organisations to manage media and public relations.

Our role involved executing a comprehensive media strategy around three critical events: the release of the Disability Royal Commission’s final report, the Government’s NDIS Review, and the Government’s response to the Disability Royal Commission recommendations.

what we did

Upstride’s strategy was focused on creating and executing detailed media plans that addressed both proactive and reactive elements. This involved arranging key spokespersons, managing high volumes of media requests, and ensuring widespread and effective dissemination of information.

Disability Royal Commission

Media Plan Creation: Developed a comprehensive media plan for the release of the Disability Royal Commission’s final report. This included aligning key messages and coordinating spokespeople and case studies from each participating organisation.

Talent Coordination: Arranged for spokespeople from People with Disability Australia, Inclusion Australia, First People’s Disability Network, National Ethnic Disability Alliance, and Children and Young People with Disability Australia to be available for media engagements across all states and territories.

Media Alert and Release: Issued a media alert prior to the report release, followed by a media release on the day of the tabling. Organised a high-profile doorstop in Canberra to mark the report’s release.

Media Management: Handled a significant volume of media requests, ensuring timely and effective responses to queries and interview requests.

NDIS Review

Replicated Success: Applied a similar media strategy for the release of the NDIS Review, including developing a tailored media plan, pitching to journalists, and distributing a media release.

Broad Coverage: Secured extensive media coverage across TV, radio, and digital platforms. Major outlets included ABC radio and TV, WIN TV, The Project, and leading metro news channels.

Ongoing Advocacy: Positioned the advocacy organisations strongly for their roles in the implementation of recommendations from the Royal Commission and NDIS Review.


Upstride Agency’s work with Australia’s peak disability bodies from 2023 to 2024 demonstrated our expertise in managing complex media and advocacy campaigns. By developing and executing comprehensive media plans and handling a high volume of media activity, we effectively supported the organisations in maximising their impact around critical reports and reviews. Our efforts ensured that their voices were heard and that they were well-positioned for ongoing influence in the implementation of key recommendations.

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